
Renewable energies


Workshop: Global Learning

The school students get to know options for action for responsible management of energy and resources and are motivated to embrace environmental...
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Project: She can – Women in renewable energy

New Hope and Light e.V. wishes to contribute to the reduction of poverty in Cameroon by the development of renewable energies. Various...
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Project: Global Learning

With our offer, we are reaching out to secondary schools, elementary schools and non-school establishments. Our main topic is “Sustainability in the...
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Sustainable Energy and Development

Our project “Global School: Sustainable energy and development” aims to: provide insight into the distribution issues between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres...
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Sustainable Energy for Development (2016)

In the time period from January – December 2016, we implemented the project “Global School: Sustainable energy for development“. The goals were:...
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Project: Intercultural Mobile Workshop

The children learn about the stages of cocoa production, from cultivation of the cocoa plants, via transport and the processing of the cocoa bean to obtain chocolate, and to Fair Trade. In this context, we address the issue of how sustainable our chocolate consumption is and how much energy is consumed in the production and supply chain.
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Climate and Renewable Energy

In the time period from 01.03.2016 – 30.09.2016, we completed the project “Global School: Climate and Renewable Energy“. The goals were: to...
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Summer event on Tempelhofer Feld

Global Learning applied to renewable energy topics: playful and active experience! We invite all those who are interested to visit us on...
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Construction of a solar oven

In the time period from 1st March 2017 to 31st August 2017, we completed the project “Global School: Construction of a Solar...
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Construction of solar ovens

In the time period from 25.03.2015 – 31.12.2015, we implemented the project “Construction of solar ovens” in cooperation with the school Regenbogenschule...
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