Project details
Project description
New Hope and Light e.V. wishes to contribute to the reduction of poverty in Cameroon by the development of renewable energies. Various problems in Cameroon could be addressed by employing more employees and financing projects/facilities in this field. However, competencies need to be developed in order to be able to fully exploit the potential of renewable forms of energy. Women were selected as target group for the project because they have poor educational and professional advancement opportunities. Moreover, technology is still considered as a men’s domain. The project is designed to encourage women to conquer this field and employ their skills for the technical development of their country.
New Hope and Light provides advanced training for local lecturers by a team of experts and travels to Cameroon with the required equipment (practical application by the installation of a photovoltaic system). A laboratory for renewable energies and training courses will be established locally with the aid of these systems. A laboratory for renewable energies and training courses will be established locally with the aid of these systems. Cooperations with companies which have long years of experience in training for renewable energies already exist.
The aim of this project is to provide underprivileged women with theoretical and practical training in the field of solar energy (plus two-month practical work). This technical specialization is designed to improve their chances on the labor market and enable them to find a job or start their own business.
After the end of the project, our local cooperation partner will continue looking after the training modules and the laboratory together with NHAL Cameroon.
Aim of the project
Women from underprivileged social classes are to be equipped with technical skills in the field of renewable energies (particularly solar technology), with the result that their chances to get a job on the local labor market are considerably improved. In addition, this training promotes sustainability, thereby contributing to the preservation of the environment.
Intended changes
The purpose of training women from underprivileged social classes in Cameroon in a future-oriented technology is to enhance their chances of finding work on the labor market.
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