

Women’s empowerment in Cameroon

VTC Nhal empowerment Women in Cameroon

For economic development and women’s empowerment, modern and reliable electricity is also required. Time saved from wood and fuel gathering could be put to better use in the form of new business ventures. ⁠

Because of the increased efficiency in performing household activities, female employment in newly electrified settlements in Africa increased by about 10%.⁠

Women gain personal empowerment, boost their bargaining and decision-making authority at home, and improve their social position outside the home when they contribute to the household’s income. Women’s economic and personal empowerment leads in increased social impact and political knowledge in this way. ⁠
Both of these factors are required to overcome the traditional gender-based labour division.


The NHAL Vocational Training Center, a subsidiary of New Hope and Light, was established to provide personalized education within and throughout the renewable energy and energy efficiency value chain, as well as to raise entrepreneurs who will solve Cameroon’s energy concerns.


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