Discover the world of sustainable energy in our fascinating video.

The award ceremony video provides an honest insight into our dedicated work with all target groups, including children, teenagers, and young adults, both within and outside schools in Germany and Cameroon
Schüler entwerfen nachhaltige Hausmodelle und integrieren erneuerbare Energiequellen wie Solar- und WindkraftSolar- und Windkraft aus.

Sustainable Energy in Educational Projects (Education for Sustainable Development) – ESD


A Glimpse into the Future: Students as Creators

Experience the fascinating world of sustainable energy in educational projects for children in our captivating video.

Congratulations on our National Award for Children and Education for Sustainable Development!

Our approach: Diverse target audiences, Global perspectives.


In our award-winning video, we provide an authentic insight into our dedicated work with diverse target audiences. Our projects appeal not only to children but also to adolescents and young adults, both within and outside schools in Germany and Cameroon. Through hands-on training and Education in Cameroon, we promote a profound understanding of sustainable development.


 Practical workshops: From idea to model.


Dive into our inspiring workshops where we collectively construct models. These models are not only powered by wind and sun but also illustrate the principles of renewable energy. Our dedicated students not only use their creative minds to design innovative house models but also skillfully incorporate renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power into their designs.


 International dimension: Bridges of understanding.


“Our work extends across borders. We facilitate international exchange between students in Germany and Cameroon. This not only promotes cultural exchange but also creates a shared platform to address challenges in sustainable development collaboratively.

A Glimpse into the Future: Students as Creators

In our video, you’ll witness not only how children and adolescents create innovative house models but also how these models become symbols of sustainable energy. We showcase how our students not only acquire knowledge but also translate this knowledge into concrete projects to shape a sustainable future.

Your Support Matters: Subscribe to Our Channel

Subscribe now to be part of this impactful journey and share the enthusiasm for sustainable education. Your valuable support enables us to reach even more students and bring about positive change in the world. Together, we can ignite the energy for a sustainable future.”


BNE Nationale Preisverleihung

🌐 #BNE #UNESCO #InternationaleBildung #NachhaltigeEntwicklung


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