

Awarded – “Education for Sustainable Development”

Nationale Auszeichnung. Bildung für nachhaltige Entwiklung

Project Manager & Executive Director Flaure Ngamou, New Hope and Light e.V. with the ESD-Award on  December 7th 2022 – Photo: © Rafael Klause



The awards were presented by Dr. Andrea Ruyter-Petznek, Head of the Department of Education in Regions, Education for Sustainable Development at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and by Dr. Roman Luckscheiter, Secretary General of the German UNESCO Commission.

We applied for…

We applied with the project ,,Educational Platform on Energy Poverty and Energy Efficiency for Global Environmental Justice”.



We want to encourage children and young people to think about and actively participate in political processes for sustainable development.

What we have achieved so far is to sensitize all participants of the workshops in a practical and experimental way in the field of environmental education and to provide an increase in knowledge.

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